HR Force | Project management

We'll provide you with comprehensive advice for all SAP Human Capital Management (SAP ERP HCM) requirements.

With our team of project managers, consultants and developers, we'll help you meet all the organisational, professional and technical requirements that arise within the framework of an SAP ERP HCM project.

Project management is an essential prerequisite if a project is to be completed successfully. We'll support you with your organisational, software, greenfield, invest­ment and hardware projects. Customer orientated project management increases the probability of your project being successful. Our many years experience is based on pursuing our four principles of cooperation, quality results, scheduling and project budgeting, and bringing them together in harmony.

  1. Project Management Processes

  2. 1. Initialising

    The project contract was awarded, and a project manager was nominated and equipped with the skills required for com­pleting the project.

  3. 2. Planning

    There is only one answer to the question “How can the project objec­tives be achieved?“ and that is a project plan must be defined.

  4. 3. Implementation and Ma­nagem­ent

    Project implementation is the realisation of the concrete project assign­ment based on the project plan.

  5. 4. Monitoring and Checking

    The objective is to adhere to the quality, requirements, expenses and dead­lines specified in the plan. This means that risks need to be detected early and appropriate measures taken quickly.

  6. 5. Completion

    When a project is not completed, unfinished items could turn up somewhere, and then what?

  1. Initialising

    When the project is initialised, the project size and objectives are verified, and the basis for the total course, management and inspection of the project is determined.

    Here are the most important issues and/or activities that have to be taken care of when initialising the project:
    • What is included in the scope of the project and what is NOT?
    • How are projects at your organisation concluded?
    • Becoming familiar with the company culture and structures
    • Carrying out a stakeholder analysis
    • Establishing a project organisation
    • Objectives, non-objectives and acceptance criteria must be decided on in cooperation with all the project participants and stakeholders.
    • A project environment analysis must be carried out.
    • Interdependencies in relation to other projects must be identified and evaluated.
    • A rough project plan with milestones must be drawn up and a rough risk analysis carried out.
    Core issues
    • Objectives and non-objectives
    • Milestone plan
    • List of stakeholders
  2. Planning

    A detailed project plan is developed. The project size, structure and organisation are determined,
    the project is divided up into further sections in accordance with the milestones, and dead­lines, resources and expenses are estimated.

    The course of the project is worked out mentally. This ensures that later on the right thing is done at the right time. The planning process includes the following:
    • A description of the project contents and size, including restrictions and assumptions, is produced.
    • Which skills, knowledge and insights are required?
    • The resource requirements are assessed.
    • The roles and responsibilities are defined (project organisation).
    • The project is divided into work packages that can be planned and checked.
    • The project budget is drawn up and approved.
    • Processes for assessment and determining quality are defined based on metrics.
    • A risk analysis is conducted, potential risks are identified and a list of measures is drawn up.
    • Acceptance of the planning process
    • A project kick-off meeting takes place.
    Core issues
    • Project structure plan
    • Resource plan
    • Communication plan
    • Risk management plan
    • Project organisation
  3. Implementation and Ma­nagem­ent

    The implementation and management mainly of personnel and communication management, i.e. managing those taking part in the project in a way that ensures they achieve the project objectives. All the project information must be passed on to all the project participants on time.

    Implementation includes the following:
    • Implementation of the activities according to the plan
    • The most important aspects are team building activities, team leadership, communication, conflict resolution and recognition.
    • Regular quality checks
    • Changes in the requirements are assessed, and the approval process is carried out.
    • Continuous improvement of the project manage­ment processes
    • Planning and implementation of the approved amendments
    Core issues
    • List of open items
    • Resources plan
    • Quality control plan
    • Project plan
    • Change requirements
  4. Monitoring and Checking

    Project checking is active management. Starting from the beginning and the planned course, the actual status at a particular point in time is compared to the planned status at the time of the check. A new course may be worked out, so that the project objectives can be achieved.

    Monitoring and checking includes the following:
    • Determining the current project status in comparison to the target (actual status)
    • Determining the expected project end and comparing this to the target end
    • Determining the expected project expenses and comparing these to the target expenses
    • A decision on the release of planning and acceptance of results
    • Devising and implementing measures for correcting possible deviations from the plan
    • The project plan is updated as part of the integrated change management.
    • Reporting to stakeholders (steering committee)
    • Quality control, risk assessment and a project audit
    Core issues
    • Target/actual comparisons with projections
    • Progress reports
    • Lists of deficiencies
    • Inspection reports
    • Project meetings / steering committee
  5. Completion

    A project has a time limit and therefore has a clearly defined end. The priority when completing the project is handing over the results, finishing any remaining items, dissolving the project organisation and releasing the resources tied by it.

    During project completion
    • it is confirmed that the project contract has been fulfilled, and the project is inspected and accepted.
    • a transfer to continuous operation and the transfer/archiving of the project documentation ensues.
    • “Lessons learned” are recorded.
    Core issues
    • Project completion report
    • Transfer and inspection reports
    • Project documentation
    • Operating instructions
    • “Lessons learned”